On May 28, 2015, a round table themed “The problems of introduction of additive technologies in the domestic aircraft engine-building” has taken place in the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM).
In accordance with the order №793 of the Ministry of Education and Science of July 25, 2014, the listing of peer-reviewed Russian scientific publications, where the main results of theses for candidate and doctor’s degree should be published, is in progress. The journals “Proceedings of VIAM” and “Aviation materials and technologies” issued by VIAM were included into the renewed list of scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC).
On May 26, 2015, Academician of RAS, Evgeny Kablov, Director General of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM), has taken part in the work of the All-Russian scientific and technical conference of young scientists and specialists named as “New solutions and technologies in gas-turbine building”.
On May 25, 2015, Academician of RAS Evgeny N. Kablov, Director General of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM), has taken part in a meeting of the coordination council of the Program of fundamental scientific researches in the Russian Federation for a long-term period (2013-2020). The meeting was held at the Ministry of Education and Science of RF.
On May 22, 2015, Academician of RAS, Evgeny N. Kablov, Director General of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) has taken part in a meeting of the Council on intellectual property under the Council of the Federation, which was held by Valentina I. Matviyenko, chairman of the upper chamber of the Russian parliament.
On May 21, 2015, Academician of RAS Evgeny N. Kablov, Director General of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) has visited the Scientific-Production Amalgamation “IRE-Polus”, which is a manufacturer of industrial fiber-optic lasers.
On May 20, 2015, Cand. of Sc. (Tech.) Olga G. Ospennikova, head of scientific-research bureau «Heat-resistant cast and wrought alloys and steels, protective coatings for GTE components», VIAM, attended a scientific session of the Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ONIT RAS).
On May 20, 2015, Academician of RAS Mikhail P. Egorov, director of N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Science (IOC RAS) has visited the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM).