The Testing Center carries out expert works to confirm the compliance of chemical elemental and phase of material compositions, develops and manufactures standard samples of material compositions, develops techniques and conducts non-destructive testing of parts and structures, maintains control of semi-finished products and articles manufactured by FSUE “VIAM”.
The Testing Center consists of laboratories engaged in physical and mechanical, thermophysical, metal physical, laboratory and full-scale climatic researches and testing of metallic, nonmetallic and composite materials including qualification and arbitral ones.
Areas of activities:
Conducting researches using nondestructive methods of testing;
Conducting researches of non-metallic materials for climatic, microbiological resistance and fireworthness;
Conducting researches of strength and reliability of aircraft materials;
Conducting researches of thermal-physical properties;
Conducting researches of characteristics of structural material strength of aviation engines and electric power units;
Conducting metal-physical researches;
Conducting spectral, chemical analytical researches and development of reference samples.