On May 22, 2015, Academician of RAS, Evgeny N. Kablov, Director General of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) has taken part in a meeting of the Council on intellectual property under the Council of the Federation, which was held by Valentina I. Matviyenko, chairman of the upper chamber of the Russian parliament.
Lyudmila M. Ogorodova, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of RF, Igor A. Drozdov, Senior vice-president of legal and administrative affairs of the “Skolkovo” Fund, Lyudmila Novosyolova, chairman of Intellectual Rights Court, Vladimir S. Katrenko, Auditor of the Counting Chamber of RF, representatives of scientific, educational and social circles also took part in the meeting.
In the course of the meeting, proposals for development of project concepts of long-time state strategy in the field of intellectual property prepared by an interdepartmental working group were discussed.
Valentina Matviyenko thanked the members of the Council for their active work being done between meetings. “The Council consists of the best specialists in the field of intellectual property, and it is one of the organs under the Chairman of the Council of the Federation, which works actively and effectively”, - she said. At the same time, according to the speaker of the Council of the Federation, it is becoming more evident, that only the formation of an effective legal framework is not enough to solve the problem of mass commercial introduction of innovations. “We need a comprehensive development of entire system of social, organizational and economic relations in the field of creation and commercialization of intellectual property. For this purpose it is necessary not only laws, but also a clear program of actions with clear landmarks and specific goals for the future. The Strategy in the field of intellectual property must attain this objective.” – Valentina Matviyenko noted. In this relation, she has noted that it would be very important to put an emphasis not only on the security and protection of intellectual rights, but also on the development of progressive management approaches in this document. Valentina Matvienko pointed out, that the Strategy in the field of intellectual property should be aimed at the formation of Russia`s technological way of the future to make the intellectual property the main source of economic growth and labor efficiency in this country. “Therefore it is very important, that the main purpose of the Strategy is to ensure the most favorable conditions for creation of legal protection of new technologies and to develop encouraging mechanisms for participants of the intellectual activity”.
It should be recalled, that on November 10, 2014, Evgeny Kablov made a report at a meeting of the Council on intellectual property, in which he told about the experience and achievements of VIAM in the field of intellectual property.