On November 14, 2014, academician of RAS Evgeny N. Kablov, Director General of the All-Russian scientific-research institute of aviation materials (VIAM), has taken part in the meeting concerning fulfillment of the MS-21 aircraft development program. The event took place at Irkutsk aircraft factory (Irkut Corporation, UAC) under the chairmanship of Denis V. Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Minpromtorg).
In particular, the head of Minpromtorg noted that the advanced medium-range aircraft MS-21 would consist of 60 % domestic materials and systems by the beginning of mass production. According to Denis Manturov, the work for substitution of import materials and systems in aircraft structure by the domestic analogs is in progress now: development of PD-14 engine, advanced aircraft systems, on-board equipment, development and qualification of new composite materials.
As the Russian News Agency (TASS) reports, preparation of the assembly line, where MS-21 will be made at the Irkutsk factory, has been already started. «From 60 stations, 30 stations are already assembled completely, another nine are in the course of assembling. According to the plan, assembly of the whole processing line has to be completed fully by May 2015», – the head of Minpromtorg informed. Besides, Denis Manturov has reminded that the first completely assembled flight model will be ready by the end of the next year, and the mass production of MS-21 has to begin since 2017.
The MS-21 airliner developed by Irkut Corporation is an ambitious, breakthrough Russian project, which is ahead of the technology level reached by foreign competitors. It is included into the number of the most priority tasks in the field of aviation industry. The government and Minpromtorg render to the project their comprehensive assistance in line with the state program «Development of the aviation industry».
MS-21 provides higher comfort for passengers due to a wider fuselage and internal configurations, than all available models of this class. It facilitates procedures of boarding and landing of passengers. In addition, the salon microclimate in the new aircraft is improved due to the newest air moistening system. Moreover, MS-21 possesses improved aerodynamics and has lower weight provided due to application of the newest technologies and innovative materials.