On October 7-10, 2013 Fyodor Karachevtsev and Gennady Orlov, representatives of VIAM made a business trip to Germany (Karlsruhe).
They held negotiations with representatives of “Bruker” company, examined the stages of production and testing of measuring and research equipment of this company.
Moreover, guests from Moscow carried out preliminary acceptance of S8 TIGER X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, inspected its completeness, examined results of testing of spectrometer and software, checked the correctness of measurement results when using standard samples. Experts of "Bruker" made the spectrometer software training for VIAM employees.
Как отметил Федор Карачевцев, компания «Bruker» является признанным лидером в производстве аналитического оборудования для элементного анализа, структурных и поверхностных исследований материалов.
Пресс-служба ВИАМ