On October 10, 2013 academician Evgeny N. Kablov , Director General of FSUE “VIAM” took part in the meeting of the Council of general designers under the Government of the Russian Federation held in the Russian Academy of Sciences. The event was headed by Dmitry O. Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.
Dmitry Rogozin noted that there is a vital necessity in general designers, which could organize works in the most important areas. The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that it is necessary to create incentives to support general designers in their desire to create new developments, to risk instead of to be guided by the old. He suggested to the participants of the meeting to discuss changes, which could be made in the Provisions on general designers to upgrade their status, reported news agency “RIA NOVOSTI”.
Dmitry Rogozin also noted that dedicated chairs under the guidance of general designers could be established in the Russian institutes of higher education to “create” specialists.
Evgeny Kablov made a report and emphasized the importance of the role of general designers at creation of new equipment; also he told about the Strategic development priorities of materials and technologies for their processing for a period until 2030.
Let us remind that Evgeny Kablov repeatedly pointed out the necessity of an increase of the role and status of general designers in Russia. «In my opinion, these people have to be appointed by the Decree of the President and be fully liable for creation of final hi-tech products», – he emphasized.