On October 9, 2013 the certificates about working on probation were presented at the All-Russian scientific-research institute of aviation materials (VIAM) to young specialists of Samara state aerospace university after the name of S.P. Korolyov (SGAU). Since the 19-th of September the graduates of SSAU Vladimir Platonov, Ramaz Charkviani and Nikolai Stepanov have been acquiring new knowledge and practical experience at VIAM against the program «Polymer composite materials».
Deputy General Director of VIAM for research work, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Joseph M. Demonis presented the certificates to them. He stressed an actuality and importance of qualitative training of specialists for domestic aerospace industry and wished the SGAU representatives a further professional advance.
The young scientists expressed their gratitude to the authorities of VIAM for a high level of probation organization and noted, that similar programs not only help specialists to improve their theoretical knowledge in the field of materials science, but also give an opportunity to acquire inestimable practical experience under a solution of different production tasks.