In September 26, 2013 at the All-Russian institute of aviation materials (VIAM) a meeting of the General director of the institute, academician of RAS Eugeny Nicolaevich Kablov with young materials specialists, graduating students from the Samara state aerospace university after the name of S.P.Korolyov, at present working on probation at VIAM, took place.
Deputy General director of VIAM, candidate of technical sciences Vladislav Valerievich Antipov and pro-rector of the Samara state aerospace university after the name of S.P.Korolyov, a corresponding member of RAS Phyodor Vasilievich Grechnikov were also present at the meeting.
The young specialists – Yaroslav Elisov, Ramaz Charkviani and Vladimir Platonov shared their impressions about their probation, noted its high organizational level, which gives an opportunity of «complete absorption into investigation of alloys».
During the dialogue with the graduating students of the Samara university Eugeny Kablov emphasized how important it is to study all steps of scientific-production process for young scientists. «Knowledge is the most valuable thing, which a human being may possess, without it there is no perspective, - he told. – A training system of specialists must envisage a possibility of both theoretical and practical solution of the set tasks using the most up-to-date equipment».
Of course, for all young specialists the subject of earnings is very actual, and Eugeny Kablov paid attention to this theme. «It is necessary to give a possibility to students and young specialists to work at the faculty or definite enterprise, acquiring a speciality and improving in profession, – he noted. – Moreover, during training of specialists it is necessary to understand, at what enterprise they will use further the acquired knowledge and experience. This is a joint task of enterprises and universities. It is impossible to develop efficiently a domestic economics without that».
At the meeting the issues of programs development for computerized control systems for production processes, for modern system of education, quality of educational literature.
In conclusion the representatives of Samara state aerospace university thanked the authorities of VIAM and noted once more a high level of probation organization, during what the young specialists got an opportunity to get acquainted with a total chain of materials creation – from the stage of research works fulfillment to testing and specimens certification.
Eugeny Kablov wished the young specialists a successful probation and further professional development.