From 19 till 30 of May 2013 a representative of VIAM, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Anastasiya Krivushina was in Vietnam, where she familiarized herself with the work of microbiological laboratory (Nyachang-town) and climatic station Dam Bay, which are working under the aegis of the Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Center.
«Microbiological damages of equipment and materials are of special interest», informed Anastasiya Krivushina. According to her, together with specialists of Tropcenter the work was carried out on a separation of micro-organisms bio-destructors, which damage different materials under conditions of humid tropical climate, sampling of micro-flora was made from a surface of non-metallic materials and study of them were carried out in the laboratory.
Anastasiya Krivushina informed also, that «at present investigations of russian disinfectants effectiveness in relation to micro-organisms bio-destructors are carried out».