On the 16th of May 2013 General director of the “All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM)”, academician of RAS, Chairman of scientist’s-engineer’s council of «Technopark-Mordoviya» Eugene Nikolaevich Kablov arrived for a working visit to Saransk, where he led the enlarged SEC meeting of the republican Technopark.
Deputy of Chairman of Government, Minister of Industry of RM A.I. Sedov, chief of AdMES of RM A.G. Naumov, director of Technopark V.V.Yakuba, leader of information center of Technopark A.E.Romanov met the high guests at the airport.
«We are very pleased to find ourselves on the mordovian earth again. A lot is made in the republic for development of high technologies and we hope, that our today’s council will give the next impulse for development of Technopark and the republic as a whole”, noted E.N.Kablov.
Then the delegation visited Technopark of Mordoviya, where, accompanied by the Head of Mordoviya V.D.Volkov it familiarized itself with projects and developments of residents. A special interest of participants was caused by the system «school-university-technopark», the joint Russian-Korean enterprise «Nepes-Rus», the projects, having the status of «Skolkovo» residents, it-zone and others. The exchange of opinions about general problems and perspectives of ideas and projects realization took place with leaders of enterprises-residents.
In the course of further work of STC, leading scientists, academicians, leaders of Russian scientific centers, leaders of enterprises and institutions considered the issues, relating to a creation of Power Center Electronics, Optoelectronics Engineering Center in Mordoviya, development and spreading of new programs in educational process on preparation of specialists in the field of power electronics, fiber optics and materials science.
It was noted, that the recommendations, elaborated by the Council, may be taken as the basis for development of a regional strategy of innovative improvement of the subjects of the Russian Federation, orientated to effective formation and development of science-intensive business.
Specifically, Eugene Kablov told, that "a great job was made by the governing body of the republic on a creation of the technopark and now it is very important to attract young scientists, who will develop projects, which are necessary for the country". "It is important, that the efficiency of the work of the technopark will be understandable for everybody. It is necessary to evaluate a real need of the developments, which will be performed here. The main task is that the inputs of the government for a fulfillment of specified research works will result in commercial volume of products", he told.
The Head of the republic Vladimir Volkov thanked all the participants that they visited Saransk. He noted, that it was necessary to involve all major scientific institutions of the Russian Federation, leading Russian universities to the work in the technopark.”The main idea is to create such a system of technopark, which will improve continually and develop the projects, which will be actively put into operation at industrial enterprises. Technopark Mordovia is just at the beginning of its work, first residents have appeared, the material component has been created, and the aim is raised to the body of technopark – to fill all the facilities of technopark with a content. New residents are to appear, new developments, first production, first technologies”, the head of the region told. Vladimir Volkov informed, that in prospect up to 5 thousand high-processable and high paid working places are to be created.