On the 8th of May 2013 on the occasion of the 68-th anniversary of the Victory of the soviet people in the Great Patriotic war a grand meeting and welcome of veterans with the authorities and employees of the institute took place at the «All-Russian scientific-research institute of aviation materials» (VIAM).
The General director of VIAM Eugene Nikolaevich Kablov thanked the veterans, who have upheld an independency of our people, but also expressed his gratitude to employees of the institute for their sacred memory of those, who have fallen on battle-fields and those, who forged weapons for the Victory on the home front. «Unfortunately, less and less people remain, who have gained a victory over fascism, who have demonstrated a power and strength of our people, their solidarity », he told. «Namely you who are the keepers of a historical truth and can tell to a young generation about hard, but glorious events of our history», the General director of VIAM declared, applying to the veterans.
«We must revert to ourselves a mentality as the people-winner, unite for decisions of the problems of our society, defend and keep our heroic history, great culture, glorious traditions. Only together we can achieve a lot», he emphasized.
Eugene Kablov noted, that « nowadays more and more often we observe attempts to distort the historical truth about the war, to misrepresent or substitute facts so, that to depreciate the input of the Red army and our people into the victory over fascism, but also the role of the soviet people in the Second world war». «Some false historians and politicians, to please their personal ambitions are trying to characterize a soviet soldier-liberator as aggressor, invader and conqueror. In that way, they humiliate not only a heroic deed of soviet people, but the present generation of Russian people», Eugene Kablov continued.
According to him, it is necessary to withstand hard against any insinuations of the heroic history of our country. The Head of VIAM noted, that «the people, who does not know his roots, his history and does not respect it, does not have a future».
The Chairman of the Council of VIAM’s veterans, the veteran of GPW Konstantin Konstantinovich Yasinskyi announced, that «the war became a terrible ordeal for our people, that we have stood with honour owing to a unity, strive for victory and common ideology»
«As a result, we not only have gained a victory over fascism, but have become the strongest power in the world», he stressed. Nowadays, according to Konstantin Yasinskyi, one of the main threats for Russia is an indifference of people, low level of spirituality and patriotic education, irresponsibility when fulfillment of state aims. He also recited his poetry, devoted to the Victory Day.
A member of the Council of VIAM’s veterans, the veteran of GPW Ivan Georgievich Tishin noted, that «the most terrible ordeals fell on our people and we have borne them».
«The Victory occasion is the sacred occasion, save our Victory, which has been won by us with a very high worth», he stressed.
The words of gratitude and kind wishes to the veterans and home front toilers were also rung from the young generation of VIAM. A representative of the Council of young scientists and specialists of the institute El’vira Arginbaeva declared, that « we shall remember always the heroic deed of the soviet people, our ancestors, who upheld our Motherland ». In his turn, a member of the Council of young scientists and specialists Konstantin Svetogorov thanked the veterans, that they« have spared no efforts, health and even life in their fight for the Victory». « We remember and honour your great deed and will glorify it », he told.
Employees of VIAM laid flowers to the monument and stood in honour of the fallen’s memory in a minute silence.
In conclusion Eugene Kablov presented memorable presents to the veterans.