On the 30th of April 2013 General director of the “All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM)”, academician of RAS, Eugene Nikolaevich Kablov took part in the meeting of the Council of education and science under the President of the Russian Federation, which was held at Petersburg institute of nuclear physics after B.P.Konstantinov ( PIYaF). The President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin held the meeting.
Specifically, at the meeting in Gatchina perspectives of development of scientific infrastructure and perfection of estimation of effectiveness of scientific institutions activity were considered.
According to Vladimir Putin, the working instrument of estimation of scientific organizations and the results of their work possesses certain shortcomings undoubtedly. It does not allow to distinguish real leaders in this or that sector of investigations, but an estimation of efficiency, as it is, is not linked with financing of scientific organizations.He emphasized, that it was necessary to found the system of objective analysis of a work of scientific organizations, to involve actively professional experts together with departmental evaluation.
In the course of the meeting Eugene Kablov made a report, in which he set forth concrete changes in the legislation on the issues of estimation of effectiveness of organizations, performing research and development works.
Specifically, Eugene Kablov proposed to estimate an effectiveness of scientific institutions activity by an independent expert organization. The base for this organization may become the Russian Academy of Sciences, including representatives from other state academies, national research centers, state scientific centers, three leading universities, representatives of legislative and executive power. «Such an amalgamation on the base of RAS is necessary not only for independent evaluation of scientific organizations, drawing up of the map of domestic science, but, in the first turn, is very important for development of scientific-manufacturing prediction of development of Russia, a choice of research and developments priorities, but also for fulfillment of expertizing of great national projects and increasing of responsibility for the presented documents, so that the themes of slate gas or power plants of vapour-gas cycle with the efficiency of more, than 60 percent and power of 350*** were not outside the field of vision», the reporter stressed.
Eugene Kablov proposed also to develop a national net of scientific publications. «For these purposes it is expedient to stipulate a special support of leading domestic scientific magazines, being members of RISC and to stimulate publications of the best articles in magazines», he stressed. Moreover the reporter noted, that « together with bibliometrical factors it is important to understand, what real input a scientific organization submits for solution of practical tasks , for achievement of the aims, which were set by state strategic planning on the base of scientific –technological prediction of development of Russia. By the opinion of Eugene Kablov, « besides a publication of articles, in the first turn, discoveries, patents , utility models and industrial designs have to become the most important criteria of efficiency of scientific and scientific-technical activity, participation in state scientific-technical programs, a fulfillment of expert scientific-predictive activity, license agreements, organization and participation in launching of high-technology production and modern technologies, training and retraining of scientific and engineer personnel”
General director of VIAM also gave an analysis of some statistical data and idices. He informed, that in the year of 2011 internal current expenses of state scientific centers (SSC) for investigations constituted 50,2 billion roubles, and they presented a science-intensive production for the sum of 78,5 billion roubles, but in the year of 2012 for the sum of 92,1 billion roubles already. «Efficiency of scientific, technical-scientific activity of SSC is estimated by Interdepartmental commission on the basis of the Passport of SSC and the Program of SSC functions fulfillment. In these documents together with quantitative criteria a special attention is given to a qualitative estimation, practical results», the reporter stressed.