This issue is devoted to new materials for aviation gas turbine engines, including intermetallic and heat resistant titanium alloys. The readers can get acquainted with the unique technology for production of beryllium materials for aerospace engineering, which was mastered at Voskresensk experimental and technological center (branch of VIAM). Research of an effect of corrosion environments on the fatigue crack growth rate of aluminum alloys became another main subject of the issue. Description of properties of sheets made from vibration absorbing materials of VTP-1V and VTP-2V grades based on thermoelastoplastics and thermoplastics are also of great interest.
Let's remind that «Transactions of VIAM» journal is intended to inform Russian and foreign readers on new scientific developments and specific results obtained both by staff of our institute and scientists of other organizations in cooperation with VIAM. The journal is open and free for all users.