On September, 16, 2015 a round table dedicated to “Heat-resistant permanent magnets based on rare-earth metals” was held at the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM).
Opening the meeting, Cand. of Sc. (Tech) Mikhail M. Bakradze, Head of Laboratory of VIAM pointed out, that “VIAM has been developing hard magnetic materials for more than thirty years. In the last 10-15 years employees of the institute have paid special attention to the heat-resistant hard magnetic materials, primarily, intended for instrument making industry”.
According to him, development of advanced devices of navigation systems and guidance for aviation and marine engineering (accelerometers, gyroscopes and etc.) is extremely difficult without production of new magnetic materials. “Thanks to many years of research a number of new heat-resistant materials of the system REM-Fe-Co-B were established with their unique complex of properties, including a temperature coefficient of induction (TCI), trending to zero”, - he reported.
As Mikhail Bakradze stated, “The appliance of hard magnetic materials with low value of TCI is not limited to navigation devices. Our experience allows making a statement, that these materials can be used in pointer instruments (ammeters, voltmeters), in flowmeters, in different sensors, that is everywhere where high temperature stability of a magnet is required in the climatic temperature range”.
“Today representatives from 16 enterprises have gathered in this hall, therefore the relevance of this issue and demand for the heat-resistant permanent magnets don`t admit of doubt”, - Mikhail Bakradze summed up.
Cand. of Sc. (Chemistry) Dmitry V. Korolev, Senior Researcher of VIAM made a presentation on the state of business in the field of materials development for the heat-resistant permanents magnets and the production of annular magnets with radical texture.
Dmitry V. Popov, representative of OJSC “Arzamas research and development enterprise “Temp-AVIA” reported about the results of the joint work on introduction of production of VIAM into the manufacture of products of OJSC “Temp-AVIA”.
In the course of the round table its participants discussed a number of issues. In particular, issues of production and demand for the heat-resistant highly-energetic permanent magnets in the market, and also possibilities of the use of the magnets produced by VIAM in various electrical and electronic devices were considered. Besides, the participants discussed a potential need for additional researches and development of methods for control of permanent magnets, tests of magnets in aggressive environments.
According to the representatives of the enterprises an expansion of the domestic production base of permanent magnets is an important part of the solution to an issue on import substitution. They also pointed out, that the use of the magnets produced by VIAM allows to achieve an essential improvements in the accuracy of navigation devices, in which case reducing their weight-size characteristics.
Following the results of the round table the decision was made.
Anatoly Tulchinsky, deputy chief of the Scientific and Technical Complex of OJSC “Scientific production association “Electromechanics” expressed his opinion: “VIAM held an important event. In manufacturing of devices, for example gyroscopes and accelerometers, stringent requirements to magnet characteristics apply, which forces enterprises to use rare-earth magnets, which are energetically powerful and stable. Therefore I would like to express my gratitude to VIAM, that its specialists are engaged in similar issues. In today`s round table we are particularly interested in the sounded idea, that there are means of control for the temperature properties of magnets, that we were not even aware that this could be”.
Emile Lifshits, design project leader of the Holding “Technodinamika” expressed his view: “It is gratifying, that VIAM understands the issue of enhancing the stability of materials properties. And we should work on this issue, because products which include magnets can be operated for dozens of years. I also want to express thanks to the leadership of VIAM for the excellent organization of the round table.