On December 4, 2014, a solemn ceremony of signing of the Cooperation Agreement between VIAM and the Republic of Bashkortostan took place at the All-Russian scientific-research institute of aviation materials. The Agreement was signed by academician of RAS Evgeny N. Kablov, Director General of VIAM, and Rustem Z. Khamitov, Head of the Republic.
As Evgeny Kablov has declared, «it is very pleasant to us to assist and to work with those subjects of the federation, which demonstrate particular interest to scientific researches and where people are able to evaluate and understand what is offered to them». According to him, Bashkortostan is one of such regions.
Evgeny Kablov has noted that «VIAM will not let down the Republic and will do the utmost to facilitate an active application of materials of the new generation and advanced production technologies at the enterprises of Bashkortostan that will serve for the benefit of the regional economics». In addition, he appreciated highly the personal contribution of the Head of Bashkortostan to scientific, innovative, industrial and economic development of the Republic.
In turn, Rustem Khamitov noted that he, as an engineer by profession, understands well the exclusive role of materials of new generation in the modern world. «Undoubtedly, cooperation with your Institute – strong, powerful, modern and dynamically developing – is very important for Bashkortostan», - the Head of the Republic has told. In his opinion, enterprises of the region will be able to reach a new level of economic and innovative development due to cooperation with VIAM and involvement of new materials in different industries.
Within the signed Agreement, the Parties have agreed to cooperate with the purpose to involve materials of new generation into advanced articles in the field of chemical and metallurgical production and in manufacture of aircraft engines, vehicles, electrical equipment and electronics. Besides, establishment of the joint education and training centers and laboratories in the field of polymer composite materials, steels and alloys, protective means against aging, corrosion and bio-deteriorations is planned.
It should be noted that signing of Cooperation Agreement between VIAM and the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University took place within the event. The document was vised by Candidate of Engineering Sciences Olga G. Ospennikova, deputy Director General of VIAM and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ramil N. Bakhtizin, acting as the rector of the university.
It should be noted that in frame of the visit to VIAM, the delegation from Bashkortostan examined the VIAM exhibition, where the guests were acquainted with the main activities of the institute and specimen products made from the materials developed by scientists of VIAM.