The other day the European chamber of science and industry published the annual World Research Institutions Ranking - 2014 (WRIR).In particular, the estimation of activity of enterprises in the field of computer and applied mathematics, biology and agriculture, physics, Earth Science, materials science, medicine, public and engineering sciences(including chemical machine-building) was given in it.
As the result of the questionnaire fulfilled, the BB rating (high level of scientific achievements) in the category «materials science» was given to the All-Russian scientific-research institute of aviation materials. It is notable, that VIAM received the highest estimation among home scientific organizations, dealing with developments in the field of materials science.
European chamber of science and industry was founded in July 1992 and was registered in Europe as non-commercial, non-political association, aimed at strengthening of international scientific, cultural and economic cooperation. ESIC interacts actively with leading educational, scientific and manufacturing centers, european trade and commerce chambers, associations of small and medium enterprises. In the Russian Federation and CIS countries ESIC is acting in the frames of interstate agreements and promotes to strengthening of cooperation on main directions, identified with these agreements.