November 26, 2014 the rector of the Siberian Federal University , academician of RAS Evgeny A.Vaganov visited the All-Russian scientific–research institute of aviation materials (VIAM).
General director of VIAM, academician of RAS Evgeny N.Kablov told the guest about the general directions of the institute activity, including a creation of materials of the new generation, but also informed about strategic directions of materials development and technologies of their reprocessing for the period till 2030.
In the course of the visit the work of unique equipment, laboratories and small-capacity production facilities were demonstrated to Evgeny Vaganov. He was also informed about the newest developments of the institute.
The rector of SFU noted an importance of the works, performed by VIAM in the field of materials science not only for aerospace manufacturing sphere, but for other branches of home industry.
By results of the meeting the heads of VIAM and SFU signed the agreement on scientific –technical cooperation. The sides agreed to perform an interaction on growth and implementation of developments in the field of non-destructive control and instrument making. The cooperation will also concern new manufacturing technologies and testing of materials for high-technology machine building and instrument making enterprises, atomic, hydro- and alternative power-engineering, transport and other technologies.
As Evgeny Kablov announced in this connection « today an agreement about strategic partnership has been achieved, that will raise the efficiency of scientific-research works, to provide a competitiveness of scientific activity results and home developments aimed at their implementation into practical spheres».
In his turn, Evgeny Vaganov noted, that «signing of the present document is a symbolic event, which will allow to combine personnel, intellectual, material and technical resources of our scientific institutions for realization of the set tasks».
The Siberian Federal University (SFU) is the Russian federal university, situated in Krasnoyarsk city.The largest university in the eastern part of Russia. It was founded in 2006 by combination of four universities of the city. In 2012 Krasnoyarsk state trade and economic institute and SREC «KRISTALL» were joined to it. Representatives of big business, politicians, scientists are members of SFU Guardian council. The Chairman of the RF Government Dmitry Medvedev is the chairman of the council.
Evgeny Alexandrovich Vaganov was born on the 10-th of October, 1948 in Krasnoyarsk. Russian scientist, dendrologist, biophysicist. From the year of 2006 till that time he is the rector of the Siberian federal university. Academician of the Russian academy of sciences.
In 1971 he graduated from the physics department of Krasnoyarskiy state university, speciality «Biophysics». In 1975 he defended the candidate thesis, in 1984 – the doctor dissertation against the theme «Analysis of organisms seasonal growth on laminated structures». He is the author of more, than 200 scientific papers, including 8 books.