On October 15, 2004, candidate of technical sciences Olga G. Ospennikova, Deputy General Director of All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM), has participated in the extended meeting of the Presidium of the Scientific-Technical Council of “Aviation engine-building Union” Association. The event was held at Metallurgical Plant “Elektorstal” JSC.
Top managers of enterprises, technical directors, quality departments’ managers of the metallurgical, engine and aggregate design bureau, scientific institutes and manufacturing plants were invited to participate in the Council. In the fames of the meeting, some aspects of the new materials applications for manufacturing and supply of the high quality metallurgical products were discussed; this, in turn, should enhance the competiveness of domestic gas turbine engines and the flight safety.
During the meeting, Olga Ospennikova has made a report “New materials for GTE and the technology of their production”. In particular, she told about Strategic directions of the development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period until 2030. Besides, Olga Ospennikova has reported about new materials developed by VIAM for advanced engines and about the major benefits and unique capabilities of the additive technologies.
The “Aviation engine-building Union” Association – is a volunteer union of designers and manufacturers of the high tech and innovative products. Within the Association, there is an interaction of the companies and organization, which are engaged in works within the full life cycle of aircraft and other types of engines.
The Association was established in February 1991 on the initiative of 58 organizations. Presently the Association includes 100 companies of various profiles and property forms from Russia, Belorussia, USA, France, Germany and Canada.