On April 12, 2016 employees of VIAM laid flowers at the monument of Yuri Gagarin on the Leninsky Avenue.
Am 8. April 2016 beteiligte sich das VIAM am ersten Festival der technischen sch?pferischen Arbeit “Nowoje Pokolenije” (Neue Generation), das im Bezirk Bassmannij Moskaus stattfand.
Le 5 avril 2016 le repr?sentant de VIAM a fait l’expos? «Les technologies additives et la production digitale» sur la table ronde, qui a pass? dans le cadre du forum International «NDExpo 2016».
El 1 de abril de 2016 VIAM envi? a las escuelas superiores y las bibliotecas cient?ficas de Rusia la colecci?n cient?fica de las conferencias del metal?rgico notable sovi?tico Mija?l Sharov “Las bases teor?ticas de la producci?n de fundici?n”, publicado por el instituto.
Am 1. April 2016 fand im VIAM die Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe f?r Entwicklung einer Roadmap der Entwicklung von Additivverfahren statt.
On March 30, 2016 Olga G. Ospennikova, Head of SRB of VIAM, made a report on development of production of high repartitions in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy at a meeting, held by Dmitry A. Medvedev, Prime Minister of RF.
On March 23-24, 2016 a representative of VIAM participated in a work of the XV International Scientific conference “State, society and church in the history of Russia in the XX-XXI centuries”, which was held at the Ivanovo State University.