On May 24, 2017 Academician of RAS, Evgeny N. Kablov, Director General of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) held a session of the Scientific and Technical Council (STC) of Autonomous Institute "Technopark-Mordovia" and acted as the Council chairman.
Academicians of RAS, rectors of the leading Russian universities, representatives of the federal and regional ministries and departments, leaders of the largest enterprises and organizations of Russia took part in the meeting of the Council.
In the course of the event, the members summed up the results of implementation of innovative programs over the past year and considered prospects for further development of Technopark. A key theme of the meeting was formation of request for innovation as the important factor of development of competitive economy.
Opening the meeting, Evgeny Kablov pointed out, that the participants of the meeting visited a number of facilities, including those related to the innovative research and production cluster in Saransk. “The successful work of knowledge-intensive new enterprises confirms that the activities of the leadership of the region and STC Technopark yield positive results”, - he added.
As Vladimir D. Volkov, Head of the Republic of Mordovia stated, that the republican Technopark has done a lot of work. “Today there are 94 resident-companies with 2 thousand employees, volume of production and rendered services have already reached 6 billion rubles. Our Technopark took the 7th among the 100 best technoparks of the country last year. This is largely the result of painstaking work of team of professionals, including the participants of today`s meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council”, - Head of the Republic pointed out.
Vladimir Volkov expressed his gratitude to the members of SRC. Evgeny Kablov was awarded the honorary title “Honorary Scientist of the Republic of Mordovia” for his great personal contribution to the scientific-technical and economic development of the Republic.
As a result of the meeting, decisions were made, which would serve as a basis for scientific-technical and economic development of AI “Technopark-Mordovia” for the coming year.