On July 24, 2015, Cand. of Sc. (Tech.) Olga G. Ospennikova, head of scientific-research bureau “Heat-resistant cast and wrought alloys and steels, protective coatings for GTE components” made a presentation on the technology seminar hosted by the managing company UK “RUSNANO”, which was devoted to the latest developments in the field of additive technologies. The event was held to familiarize top managers of RUSNANO with the main trends in development of additive technology. Opening the workshop Anatoly Chubais, chairman of the board of UK “RUSNANO” emphasized the importance of additive technologies for the Russian industry and economics and noted the great experience of VIAM in the development of this area.
As Olga Ospennikova reported, any improvement of production processes is impossible without the use of new materials, modernization, innovations and resource saving. "That is why it is so important today to use the advanced additive technologies enabling manufacture of high quality articles at the lowest cost,” she said, “and the benefits of these technologies, first of all, can be attributed not only to the quality of manufactured products and free choice of shapes, but also to the ability to transmit instantly a digital model anywhere in the world and, if necessary, to organize promptly the local production almost at any place where the digital technology is available.
In this regard, the representative of VIAM noted that the special interest in 3D-printing show the aerospace enterprises, which are engaged in small-scale production of high quality parts. "For example, in April 2013, Pratt & Whitney, manufacturer of jet engine, together with the University of Connecticut have created a modern additive production center on the base of the Technology Park of the University. Another example of introduction of additive technology in the aviation industry is some large companies, for example, General Electric and MTU Aero Engines, which make researches in the field of production of almost all GTE parts by the selective laser sintering of metal powders". In addition, she said that by 3D-printing the Boeing Corporation manufactures more than 22 000 parts of 300 types for 10 makes of commercial and military aircraft, including the Dreamliner.
According to Olga Ospennikova, concentration and coordination of design, research and engineering teams to work in several directions is needed for the development of additive technology in Russia. "That is the development of national standards for additive manufacturing, training and retraining of qualified personnel, and production of metallic and non-metallic powder compositions, because on the quality of products depends the quality of powders," she said.
In particular, powders have to meet strict requirements. "First and foremost they have to ensure the sphericity, specified distribution of particle size, high yield, high chemical homogeneity, low gas impurity content," explained the head of the of scientific-research bureau.
Olga Ospennikova said that at present the domestic enterprises purchase and use the foreign alloy powders supplied by the manufacturers of units. That is why there is an urgent need for Russian powders. "To solve this problem, VIAM has organized a closed cycle of additive manufacture of parts for complex technical systems, including production of consumable charge billets, production of fine metal powders and development of technology of selective laser sintering of parts from these powders,” noted the speaker. According to her, VIAM has already developed the technology and organized the mass production of high-quality solder powders and powder compositions of domestic alloys (more than 25 grades) for additive technologies; a complete set of normative documents has been issued as well.
She also noted that the efforts of VIAM to develop 3D-printing has already borne fruit - for the first time in Russia, the front combustion chamber swirler of the advanced aircraft engine PD-14 was produced by the additive technology using a domestic metal-powder composition, which meets all the requirements of the design documentation. "At the average, the production cycle of such swirlers is 10 times shorter than that in case of using the investment casting technology," said Olga Ospennikova.
According to her, the works in the field of laser stereolithography performed under the leadership of academician of RAS Vladislav Ya. Panchenko at the Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILIT RAS) are of great importance for the development of domestic additive technologies. “In addition, a number of materials and units equal in characteristics to the foreign analogues were developed there. At present time, the laser stereolithography is the most accurate and universal method of operative formation of 3-D computer models from photopolymers,” the head of scientific-research bureau pointed out.
The presentation of Olga Ospennikova aroused the keen interest of attendees. In conclusion, Anatoly Chubais thanked her for the interesting report and detailed answers to the questions.
Open Joint Stock Company “RUSNANO” was created on March 2011 by reorganization of the government enterprise “Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies”. OJSC “RUSNANO” contributes to realization of the governmental policy on development of nanoindustry by investing directly and through investment funds of nanotechnologies in cost-effective high-tech projects providing development of new production enterprises on the territory of Russian Federation. The main areas of investment are electronics, optoelectronics, and telecommunications, health care and bioengineering, metallurgy and metal working, power engineering, machine building and instrument engineering, constructional and industrial materials, chemistry and petrochemistry. 100% shares of OJSC “RUSNANO” are in ownership of the government.
The management of OJSC “RUSNANO” assets is performed by UK “RUSNANO” established on December, 2013. Anatoly Chubais is the chairman of the executive Board of UK “RUSNANO”.