On December, 22, 2014, academician of RAS, Evgeny N. Kablov, the General Director of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials, met with the Council of Veterans of VIAM.
In the course of the event he reviewed the results of the expiring year and also informed the attendees about the development of the institute and its near-term prospects.
Besides, Evgeny Kablov reported about his impression of a recent trip to China, where a delegation of VIAM visited a number of research and production enterprises. He also informed the representatives of the Council about recently published International Rating of Scientific Research Institutes, in which VIAM had been marked as an organization with high level of scientific achievements.
At the meeting different problems concerning peculiarities of working process, publication activities of employees of VIAM, intellectual property protection, conferment of scientific degrees tutorship, and transfer of experience to young specialists of the institute were considered. The veterans emphasized that not a few able young people worked at VIAM.
It should be noted that a creation of museum of VIAM, which official opening would be in 2015, had aroused particular interest.
At the end of the meeting Evgeny Kablov warmly thanked the Council of Veterans for their perfect work and gave them New Year’s gifts.