December 22, 2014 General Director of All-Russian scientific–research institute of aviation materials, academician of RAS Evgeny N.Kablov met with young specialists and scientists of VIAM (not over 35 years).
In the course of the event the head of VIAM summed up briefly the results of the expiring year and noted, that «the year of 2014 became sufficiently successful for the institute».
Specifically, he told about the work on modernization of scientific–productive capacity and perspective direction of VIAM’s development and informed, that «the process of VIAM refitting with the newest equipment is performed regularly; small capacity productions, manufacturing modern high-quality products are improving». «It is impossible to create something new, when working with old equipment», noted Evgeny Kablov.
According to him, its own productive capacities give VIAM a footing, which is so important for further successful activity and economic growth. Simultaneously, Evgeny Kablov stressed, that the program of the institute development is based on Strategic directions of materials development and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030.
Besides, the head of VIAM called to the youth to intensify a publishing activity, to show an initiative when participating in competitions of the Ministry for Science and Education, the Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches and the Russian scientific fund, but also to use the experience of tutors broader.
Simultaneously, he stressed, that now Russia needs young ambitious scientists, who are able to solve serious scale tasks, set by the governing body of the country
In the course of the meeting the chairman of the Council of young specialists and scientists of VIAM Alexey M. Smirnov made a report and told about the main results of the work of the Council in 2014 and tasks for a future year. In his speech he gave some showings of the Council work and highlighted the issues of publication activity of young specialists, their participation in conferences, round tables and lectures. « The works of our young people are appreciated in a scientific community. It is confirmed by regular victories in competitions of every kind and sort, but also awards on the results of scientific reports», Alexey Smirnov told.
In his turn, the participants thanked Evgeny Kablov for his consideration and comprehensive support of young specialists of the institute. Moreover, General Director of VIAM gave responses to their questions, relating scientific activity, social and living conditions and economic situation in the country.