On September 29, 2014, academician of RAS Evgeny N. Kablov, Director General of the All-Russian scientific-research institute of aviation materials (VIAM), has visited the XI ILLA-2014 conference «Lasers and laser-information technologies: fundamental problems and application». The event is held in Shatura (Moscow region) from September 29 to October 3 and devoted to the 35 anniversary of the Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of RAS (ILIT of RAS).
During solemn opening of the conference, Evgeny Kablov has congratulated ILIT of RAS on the 35 anniversary and noted a significant contribution of the institute into scientific capacity of our country. In addition, in his speech he mentioned cooperation of VIAM and ILIT of RAS. «Under present conditions, our cooperation in the field of development and implementation of the new scientific directions promotes qualitative changes in creation of materials and technologies for aerospace equipment», - Evgeny Kablov has declared and added that «the established creative communications between our institutes will have further effective development in future cooperation». «From all my heart I wish to the management and employees of the institute much success and new achievements for the benefit of the Russian science», – head of VIAM has concluded.
Let us note that within the event, the participants have examined innovative achievements in the field of creation of technological lasers, optical elements and systems, application of lasers in measurements, diagnostics, information transmission systems and in the industry, medicine, biology, nano- and microelectronics. Development of additive technologies and laser-plasma deposition of thin films also were in the focus of attention.
The Conference is conducted under the support of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of RAS was created in 1979. ILIT of RAS is a part of Department of nanotechnologies and information technologies (DNIT of RAS). The institute participates in Coordination council on optics and laser physics under Presidium of RAS.
ILIT of RAS works on fundamental and applied problems of creation of laser and information technologies, is one of the leading institutes for development of powerful industry CO2 lasers and technologies and equipment on their basis.